Monday 8 June 2015

Cipla 8X Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Review

This is a guest post from Mahesh.

Hi Guys,

How have you been?Long time since I posted a review.Off late,I am facing dandruff and it is not one easy skin/hair issue to treat.So Priyanka suggested I try pharmacy treatment shampoos as they work best for dandruff.So today I will be reviewing Cipla 8X Anti-Dandruff Shampoo.

Cipla 8X Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Review

Key Ingredients:

Ciclopirox-1.0% w/v
Zinc Pyrithione(ZPTO)-1.0% w/v
Aloe vera.
Shampoo Base-q.s
Colour:Brilliant Blue FCF.


Rs.205 for 100ml.


1)To buy on ,Click HERE.

Product Description & Swatch:

Cipla 8X Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Review


1)It is creamy green colour shampoo which cleanses well.

2)It contains Ciclopirox and Zinc Pyrithione(ZPTO) which are the star ingredients of this shampoo.Both are anti-fungal/anti-bacterial and keratolytic agents which treats dandruff/seborrheic dermatitis. 

3)It does Aloe vera for extra hair conditioning.

4)It works on mild/moderate/severe dandruff.

5)It also decreases itching,flakiness and redness caused due to dandruff.

6)PH balanced Shampoo so won't hamper with your skin/hair PH level.

7)Affordable and easily available.


1)The fragrance is not exactly pleasant,that's the case with most treatment shampoos.It does not bother me though.

2)It can make hair bit dry so following up with a conditioner is advisable.

3)Bigger tubes are not available.

4)No full ingredient disclosure so cannot comment if it is sls-free or paraben-free.

Directions for use:

Cipla 8X Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Review

1)Wet your hair and cleanse it like a regular shampoo.
2)Take 1ml for short hair/2ml for long hair and gently massage on scalp and hair.
3)Leave it for 3 minutes.
4)Rinse off with water.
5)Follow up with a hair conditioner if necessary.

Final Verdict:

I had moderate dandruff and itchy scalp.Some times it would be awkward with the flakes on shirts,pillows.The normal cosmetic dandruff shampoos available in the market like All Clear,Head & Shoulders didn't help me much so I needed a proper and strong treatment shampoo like Cipla 8X.I am happy to say that,my dandruff has cleared up in about 4-5 weeks.Initially you might not see much effect again that depends on the severity of dandruff but my advise,don't give up.This shampoo really works.I still use it once a week to prevent dandruff along with Dove Shampoo & Conditioner.If you suffer from dandruff then you too should definitely check it out.Like the other Cipla products, 8X shampoo also delivers!

My Rating:4/5

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