Saturday 29 October 2016

Maybelline Baby Lips Candy Wow Raspberry Review

Hi Everyone,

Maybelline Baby Lips is definitely one of the best lip balms I have tried and they recently launched another extended new line called Maybelline Baby Lips Candy Wow in 5 variants-Raspberry,Cherry,Mixed Berry,Peach and Orange and.Today I will be reviewing Raspberry variant,read along to find out more about it.

Maybelline Baby Lips Candy Wow Raspberry Review

Friday 21 October 2016

Emolene Dry Skin Treatment Cream Review

Hi Everyone,

One of the common skin problems faced by everyone during monsoons/winters is dry skin.Specially my hands suffer the wrath of the weather and regular moisturisers wasn't doing much.So I visited my dermatologist and she prescribed me Emolene Cream for Dry Skin.Read along to find out more about it.

Emolene Dry Skin Treatment Cream Review

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Best Primers For Oily/Acne Prone Skin

Hi Everyone,

So Far in the Make up for Acne Prone Skin series,I have compiled Best Foundations, Best Compact Powders & Best Concealers For Oily/Acne Prone Skin.So today I will be compiling Best Primers For Oily-Acne Prone skin.

Primers are base make up product which improves longevity of make up,provides oil control and gives a smooth and matte finish.Primers are essentially silicone based products which fills up pores,skin imperfections and give a flawless base for foundations,concealers etc.Silicones/Dimethicones are mildly comedogenic and unless you have severe acne,you can get by these primers.So if you have high acne prone tendency or sensitive skin,I would advise you to go for patch test.So today I will be listing oil-free and non-comeodgenic primers for oily-acne prone skin.If you don't see the obvious primers like Benefit Porefessional and others in the list that would be because they are comedogenic.

Best Primers For Oily/Acne Prone Skin

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Best Dark Spots, Acne Scars & Hyper-pigmentation Treatment Creams/Gels

Hi Everyone,

This was one compilation which was pending from a long time.Though I get a lot of requests for it,I never quiet got to blog about it.I am definitely working on it so bear with me :) Do check out: Best Acne & Pimple Treatment Creams/Gels.

Today I will be dealing with whole another issue related to acne-The one which leaves a unpleasant reminder of acne.Yes I am talking about dark spots/dark marks,acne blemishes,acne scars,pitted acne scars,hyper-pigmentation.Acne/Pimples heals in a couple of days but in the process of healing,it leaves a much deeper impact in the form of acne scars.So you need a additional treatment to treat your acne scars in order to have a blemish-free skin.Today I will be compiling a list of Best Dark spots,Acne Scars,Hyper-Pigmentation &Melasma Treatments Creams/Gels in India.Over the years,I have tried many treatment creams but unfortunately not many worked and some of them broke me out too so this compilations are non-comedogenic options.Hope you guys find it helpful.

Best Acne Scars & Hyper-pigmentation Treatment Creams/Gels