Saturday 30 November 2013

How to Treat Acne?

 Can Acne be treated? The Answer is Yes!

Acne affects about 60% of the world's population and yet unfortunately there is no permanent cure for acne.So acne can be treated but there are chances it will come back if proper skin care regime is not followed.Treating acne is all about maintaining a good skin care routine. Always consult a good dermatologist to treat acne.Irrespective of the degree of acne,it is always best to get treated by a Doctor at the earliest.

Now Let us explore Acne Treatments available in the Current Market.


How to Treat Acne?
Salicylic acid is acid derivative from  bark of Willow Tree used to  treat Mild/Moderate Acne.It is Beta-Hydroxy Acid(BHA). Salicylic acid is a Keratolytic agent which means it treats acne as well acne blemishes.It is available in various concentrations from 1%. High concentration of Salicylic acid peels is also available.

Product Examples:Sebonac gel(1% Salicylic acid), Ducray Keracnyl Cream,Neutrogena Oil free Acne Facewash,Clean & Clear Pimple clearing face wash,Garnier Pure Active Face wash,Clean & Clear Skin Balancing Moisturizer,FabIndia Tea Tree Face wash ,Loreal Go 360 Anti Breakout Facial Cleanser,Saslic etc.


Glycolic Acid is derived from Sugar Cane.It is a Alpha-Hydroxy Acid(AHA) used to treat Mild/Moderate/Severe Acne.It is also Keratolytic acid with Anti-Ageing Benefits.It is one of the most popular treatments for Acne,Hyper-pigmentation, Scarring,Wrinkles.High Concentrations also available for Chemical Peeling.Cosmetics brands are including Glycolic acid in their products due to their benefits.

Product Examples:Avene Triacneal,Ducray Keracnyl Cream-Facewash,Bioderma Whitening Day/Night Serum,Glyco 6/A,Oliiza gel,AHA Glow,Glomed Face wash etc.


How to Treat Acne?

Benzoyl Peroxide is over the counter drug which is every effective in killing the acne causing bacteria,reduces sebum production and heals pimples.

Product Examples:Benzac from Galderma,Proactiv Acne Kit etc.


Sulphur is another excellent treat for acne and acne scars.They unblock pores,exfoliate,treat acne and reduce oiliness.

Product Examples:Proactiv Refining Mask,De La Cruz Sulphur Ointment,Dermosun Soap,Sastid Bar,Acne-aid,Persol-forte,Acnil Soap,Medimix Soap


There are Topical Antibiotics which kill the bacteria as well like Clindacmycin, Metrogyl,Erthomycin etc. These are more suitable for Mild-Moderate acne where acne is not deeply embedded in the skin surface.They also have minimum side effects unlike retinoids.Antibiotics are not useful in the long run has bacteria becomes resistant to the medications.

How to Treat Acne?


Retinoids are the strongest and best treatment for acne.They are best suitable for Moderate-Severe Acne.Retinoids kill the acne causing bacteria,unplug the oil glands,reduce sebum production,promote collagen production for pitted scars,lighten dark marks also possess Anti-Ageing properties.But they do come with their own side effects like excessive peeling,redness,purging,sun sensitivity etc.

Product Examples:Retino A,Avene Triacneal, Adapelene, Differin etc.


There are medications for acne which can be consumed orally like
These are strictly to be taken under medical supervision.They are usually prescribed for Moderate-Severe Acne for a certain courses.Prolonged consumption of these medications are not advised.Oral Antibiotics like Minocyline,Doxycline help internally by killing bacteria.Oral Contraceptives definitely help with Hormonal Acne.
Accutane/Isotretinoin are more of a last resort treatment for Severe Acne and yes they do come with their own list of side effects


Chemical Peeling    There are many medical procedures for Acne like:       
    • Chemical Peeling
    • Micro-Dermabrasion
    • Derma-Fillers
    • Derma-Rollers
    • Laser
    • Subcision for pitted acne-scars.
    • Cortisone Injections.

    Warning:Some of the drugs mentioned here are prescription grade only and to be used under a Medical Supervision only.

    For scar-removal treatment check this :How to treat acne scars?

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