Tuesday 23 September 2014

Common Hair Care Mistakes and Their Remedies

Hi Everyone,

Its been a while since I wrote a post on hair care so I thought today I will discuss about common and biggest hair care mistakes which we do it knowingly or unknowingly.All of us love to have beautiful tresses but by making some mistakes we end up damaging our hair.Want to know on how to fix those mistakes then read along to find out more about it.

Common Hair Care Mistakes and Their Remedies

1)Never cleaning the Combs/Brushes

Common Hair Care Mistakes and Their Remedies

Most of you might feel cleaning your combs or brushes is not necessary.Dirty hair brushes and combs transfer dust particles,oil and build-up on scalp which is definitely not good for hair.Wash your comb/brushes at least once a week.My way of doing it is pretty simple.First use your fingers to remove the hair.Then soak the brushes/combs in water with shampoo or face wash for 5-10minutes.Use a tooth brush to clean the bristles/tooth of combs/brushes.Wash them with water,dry them using a clean towel and air dry for few minutes.

2)Not brushing/combing hair before washing your hair

Common Hair Care Mistakes and Their Remedies

I Personally follow this tip of combing my hair neatly and removing all tangles and knots by using a wide-tooth comb before washing my hair.This significantly helps in washing my hair,reduces tangles and hair-fall.Wet hair is easily prone to damage and hair fall so by doing so,it reduces hair damage.

3)Washing hair too frequently

Common Hair Care Mistakes and Their Remedies

This is a very common mistake.Washing hair everyday is not advisable,it strips the oils and moisture from hair making it dull and lifeless.Unless you have very oily hair or scalp,washing your hair everyday is not required.Normal/Dry hair types don't have to wash frequently.There is no need to wash unless hair is dirty.Despite having oily hair,I wash my hair not more than 2-3 times in a week.I would also recommend using mild and gentle shampoo if you wash your hair frequently.You could also try using dry shampoos.

4)Skipping Hair Conditioner

Common Hair Care Mistakes and Their Remedies

I honestly did not know the importance of Hair Conditioner for a very long time.I religiously started conditioning my hair from my teens.I do not oil my hair,I hate oiling so conditioner is one important step I won't miss.Hair conditioner moisturises your hair,gives a smooth texture,easier to untangle and adds a healthy shine.So always make it point to follow it up with good hair conditioner after washing your hair.Always apply on two-thirds of your hair length only,never on scalp.

5)Over-using blow dryers and styling equipments

Common Hair Care Mistakes and Their Remedies

Heat equipments does no good to hair but it is unavoidable also.After washing your hair do not immediately use a blow dryer.Use a thin cotton towel to dry your hair and tie it up for 10-15 minutes.Cotton towels have high absorbency levels so help in faster drying of hair.This dries at least 50-60% your hair without heat.Don't rub your hair with the towel instead blot the water.Apply a thermal protectant or hair serum before you blow dry.Start with minimum heat before using maximum heat level and set your hair with a blast of cool shot air/cold air.

Never using straighteners/curlers or any styling equipments on wet hair as it can burn and damage the hair follicles.

6)Combing/Brushing wet hair

Common Hair Care Mistakes and Their Remedies

Never ever comb your hair when it is wet as hair is weak and it easily comes out of hair shaft leading to hair fall.Use your hands and wide tooth comb to remove the knots and tangles.Do not use hair brushes or narrow tooth combs to detangle as it pulls out more hair out of shaft.

7)Bad Hair-Styling

Common Hair Care Mistakes and Their Remedies

Tension from tight ponytails/braiding, hair-ties,rubber or elastic bands lead to breakage of hair and split ends.If you wear a ponytail regularly,try positioning in a different spot.Some times you can ditch the pony tail for a loose braid.When coming to hair-ties or scrunchies opt for fabric or velvet ones which does not gather hair.If you have split-ends,only way to get rid of it by trimming your hair.Depending on your hair growth,it is advisable to regularly trim your hair at regular intervals.

8)Go easy on hair care supplements

Common Hair Care Mistakes and Their Remedies

There are various causes for hair-fall which you need to figure out before addressing it with a hair care supplement.You can read more about it here.Unless you are deficient in iron,vitamins or zinc etc,do not take supplements without consulting your doctor.If you follow a healthy and balanced diet,you are getting all your required nutrients.

9)Night-care for your hair

Common Hair Care Mistakes and Their Remedies

Like your body even your hair requires a bit of TLC before your sleep.Untangle your hair with a wide-tooth comb.Use a paddle-brush to comb your hair from root to tip before your sleep,it massages the scalp and improves blood circulation.Don't sleep with loose hair,it is prone to breakage.I would recommend tying a very loose braid.Switching to Satin pillow covers also minimises hair friction and reduces hair fall.

10)Pamper your hair

Your hair also needs a some good loving from time to time.If you are in the habit of oiling your hair,go for some natural and chemical free oils.If you hate oiling your hair like me then invest in a good hair mask which deep conditions your hair.Currently I am loving the Matrix Biolage Deep Conditioning Hair Mask(review coming up soon!).If you want more pampering, then head to a good salon and go for those hair spa packages.Boy,hair surely feels good after those sessions.

11)Give your hair a break

Common Hair Care Mistakes and Their Remedies

Last but not the least yes your hair also deserves a break from all the styling equipments and styling products like hair gel,hair serum,hair sprays etc.Ultimately the heat and chemicals does no good to hair,so once in a while,give your hair much deserved break and to recuperate.

These are my personal tips and practices I follow to maintain healthy hair.Hope you guys find it helpful!

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