Tuesday 10 December 2013

Is Shaving better or Waxing?

Today's post I will be discussing two of the most popular ways to Hair Removal Methods.As a Woman, it is very much necessary but really some times I feel so lazy to do it you know ! Most of the times I opt for Waxing but some times you just don't find time to do it, Then I opt for Shaving. The kind of things Woman has to do is exhausting right?  Men,don't have to do all of that :(
Is Shaving better or Waxing?

There are several Hair Removal Methods like :
1) Laser
5)Depilatory Creams

Laser is method of introducing highly concentration beam of light into hair follicles,thereby destroying the hair.This is very expensive and it takes a lot of sessions to see results plus you will require maintenance sessions as well.Someday I hope to get it done.

Depilatory Creams like Veet,Anne French etc help will hair removal,but I find it messy,there is a strong chemical smell.Overall just not convenient.

The method of hair removal depends on Skin Type,Hair Texture and Hair Growth.
For example,Shaving might be better suited option for Sensitive Skin.Normal Skin folks can opt for Waxing.

Shaving and Waxing are the two of the most preferred methods of Hair Removal.They come with their own advantages and disadvantages.


Is Shaving better or Waxing?


1)It is very affordable.A Razor costs like Rs 50-200.

2)Except for Epilators which cost Rs 2000-3500.But they are most like investment option as it can last few years.In the long run cheaper than Waxing.

3)It is Pain-Free and Quick.

4)You can do it yourself any time without help.

5)It is convenient and works best when you have a impromptu party/function to attend and just don't have time to go to a Salon/Parlour.

6)You can shave with or without using soap/shaving cream.


1)It can irritate your skin and leave it dry and itchy.

2)You can sometimes manage to get yourself cut(Ouch!).

3)It is a temporary solution to Waxing so hair will growth sooner when compared to Waxing.

4)Shaving can result in hair undergrowths that is hair will grown under the skin's surface.

5)It could lead to thicker hair growth.This is a bit controversial saying,some say it does and some say it does not.


Is Shaving better or Waxing?


1)It removes hair from the roots which results in hair free and smooth skin for weeks.

2)It removes dead skin cells too,so the skin appears soft.

3)It definitely lasts longer than Shaving.

4)It is natural way to remove unwanted hair.Wax is herbal .It is Sugar for the most part.Nowadays Salons like YLG(Bangalore) offer Chocolate,Strawberry and Fruits waxing (Yummy!).So if you prefer waxing,I would just say go for these kind of special waxes.

5)It eventually reduces Hair Growth and Hair is less denser over years.


1)It is painful procedure,

2)Skin may lose elasticity over years.

3)It is very time consuming.

4)It is not possible to wax very fine hair growth.It works best on fully grown hair.

5)Some people might have rashes,redness after waxing.

6)The hygiene factor in the Salons is also important. Disposable waxing strips are better than resusable cloth strips.

Image Credits: ceziceu@flickr