Monday 30 December 2013

Smoky Eye Make-up Tutorial

With the New year's eve around the corner and party scene happening I thought I will focus on make-up tutorials.My favourite make up is Eye make-up.I think eyes define a personality and makes one look beautiful.I like to experiment with eye make up.Smokey eye make up is something I love.It just adds such  a nice touch. So here it goes!

Smoky Eye Make-up Tutorial

Products Required:

Smoky Eye Make-up Tutorial

  • Maybelline Falsies water-proof Mascara.
  • Loreal or Maybelline Eye Liner/Kajal.
  • Eye Shadow/Palette for your choice.You have amazing options from Revlon to Maybelline Tattoo eye shadows.
  • Eye make up brushes:Blending brush and Flat brush.
  • Primer or Foundation+Concealer.


1)Use a Primer(Colorbar/Loreal).Primer acts as a make up base and helps the make up last longer.If you do not prefer Primer then opt for your conventional Foundation+Concealer routine on eyes.

2)Choose the Lightest shade (Highlighter)-Apply it only on the inner eye corner(A) only using a flat brush.

3)Choose a Medium shade -Apply on middle portion of the eye lid(B)and blend it towards the inner eye(A) using a blending brush.

4)Choose a Dark Shade-Apply it on the outer corner of the eye lid(C) and blend it towards brow bone(D) using blending brush.

5)Apply your Maybelline/Loreal or Liquid Eye Liners.

6)Apply Maybelline Falsies water-proof Mascara.

7)Dust off the excess eye make up.

8)Then follow up with last touches of your face and lip make up.

This is one of the methods of doing a smoky eye make up.Watch the Video Tutorials to try various methods.

Just Pick your colours/shades as per your outfit and occasion.You can add upto 3-4 shades.Smoky eye make up look great for any occasion,day/night.If you don't prefer smoky eye ,you can go monochromatic and pick one colour like the below beginner eye tutorial.

Beginner's Eye Make up Video Tutorial:

This eye make up is suitable for everyday wear ,very subtle yet absolutely beautiful.

Bronze Smoky Eye Make up Video Tutorial 1:

This smoky eye is suitable for weddings,parties etc.Don't shy away from adding that little bit of shimmer!

Golden Smoky Eye Make up Video Tutorial 2:

This smoky eye is suitable for day and night wear.

Dark Smoky Eye Make up Video Tutorial 3:

If you are little bit adventurous then you have to try this absolutely gorgeous dark eye make up!

It takes a little bit of practice but you will get there eventually.
Hope you enjoyed doing this as much as me.
You are all set to rock your party,Have Fun!

Image Credits:xtina5645@flickr