Tuesday 8 April 2014

Electro-Cauterization for Common Skin Problems

Hi Everyone!Sorry I am tied up with few things hence I have been doing Product reviews for a while.So thought I will take a break from it  and do a interesting post on Electro-Cauterization.Wondering what is it and how it helps?Read along to find out more about it!

Electro-Cauterization for Common Skin Problems

What is Cauterization?
Electro-Cauterization for Common Skin Problems

Cauterization are used for many purposes from preventing infections,stopping bleeding, surgeries,removing tumours or cancerous cells etc.This itself is a very huge topic but I will only discuss Cauterization pertaining to certain common skin conditions.

Electro-Cauterization is a medical procedure done by using electric current to burn off the tissue.Don't get scared by reading this.It is a painless and quick medical procedure.I will share with all you my experience with the procedure to simplify it.

Skin Benefits of Electro-Cauterization:

  • It is used to remove blackheads.
  • It is used to remove moles.
  • It is used to treat viral warts etc.
  • It is used to treat Keloids which are scars formed to excess collagen.
  • It also used for ear/nose piercings for wearing jewellery.

Duration of the Procedure:

Just 2-5 minutes.

Cost of the Procedure:

Rs 400-800.


Step 1:The area to treated is applied with numbing cream or local anaesthesia is given to numb the idea.

Step 2:The grounding pad is placed beneath arm or thighs to provide protection from electric current.

Step 3:The heated needle is used to burn off the extra cells or growth.

Step 4:The area is cleansed and antiseptic cream is applied.

Step 5:If necessary topical applications are given.

Pro's/Con's of Electro-Cauterization:

1)It is painless and safe procedure.1)It takes few days to heal keloids.
2)It just takes few minutes to conduct the
3)No Side effects.
4)No recovery period,one can resume their day
with normal routine.
5)Follow up or after care is not required.
6)No or minimal bleeding.
7)It does not leave any scars.
8)Long term solution.

My Experience with Electro-Cauterization & Final Verdict:

I came to know about this procedure from my doctor who did Chemical Peeling and Microdermabrasion on me.So everything I know about all these procedures is from her guidance:) and my experiences with these procedures.All this was couple of years back.I had this birth mole below my lower lip.It is was not visible but I never liked it and wanted to get rid of it.Then my doctor suggested Cauterization.So I went ahead with this procedure.I was done in a 2 minutes and the birth mole was finally gone after 19 years. Absolutely no pain,before I knew it done!I was told to apply Clotrimazole for 3 days on it.One of my friends had tiny warts on her hand which later turned to be viral warts so doctor advised the same procedure otherwise there was a chance that it would increase.I have also seen her conduct cauterization to remove stubborn blackheads and for jewellery piercings.Please note this procedure has to been done under medical supervision only.
Hope this helps!;)
If you have any queries,please drop a comment below.:)

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