Wednesday 16 April 2014

Lazy girl's guide to grooming

This is guest post from Priya Rane(@priya rane) who is a freelance blogger and a frequent contributor to various beauty and fashion blogs. She often writes for Nykaa's BeautyBook, a blog about Women's beauty, makeup, lifestyle, trends, fashion and fitness.

Hi Girls,

If you’re the one who can’t be bothered to pluck that extra hair from your eyebrows, apply a base coat or use a heat spray before styling, then you’re a lazy girl. Gone are the days when unkempt eyebrows and rough hair were defined as ‘beautiful’. Some girls leave no stone unturned to look prim and proper, while others just can’t be bothered! Chalk it up to time constraints, lack of skills or even clichés like the “ignorance is bliss” mantra, at some point, we have to face the harsh reality that roaming around like you’ve just rolled out of bed isn’t acceptable.
Not all women want to be experts in the field of hair and make-up and some women like to spend precisely five minutes to get ready.  Some of us are too indolent to have anything that even resembles a beauty regime.  Unfortunately, grooming is an extremely important part of your daily routine and some of us tend to skip it on a regular basis. Thankfully, we’ve created a list of quick techniques which will turn your languid beauty routines to professional grooming regimes.

1)Stock Up on Wipes.

If you’re too lazy to wash your face once a day then you must stock up on wipes. Today, there are towelettes for everything.  You can apply sunscreen, remove make up and even moisturize your face with these mess-free wipes. Select a cleansing cloth like H2O+ Aqualibrium Cleansing Face Wipes with soothing ingredients like lavender and cleansing milk. These wet towels definitely work wonders for lazy girls, but despite the convenience these wipes provide, washing the face with good cleansing foam is a must.

2)It's Okay to Use Your Fingers!

Applying makeup with brushes can be a huge task for lazy girls, but don’t sweat over it because the best make-up artists around the world prefer using their fingers to apply product. Using fingers will help you feel the amount of product you are applying and will prevent over-application of products. It also helps avoid the pain of removing and reapplying your make up.

3)New Uses for Existing Products.

While you’re cutting corners with grooming, invest in multi-purpose products. They will help you save time and will keep your beauty regime simple. Using a little hairspray to get tamed eyebrows. Apply a few drop of hairspray on your eyebrow and shape it with your fingers for a clean look. A dark black kajal, like the Maybelline Colossal Kajal, can be used for eyes as well as an eyebrow pencil. Hold the pen lightly and simply fill the gaps in your eyebrow for a finished look. Use a lip gloss, like L'Oreal Paris Shine Caresse Lip Gloss, or a clear balm to create a glossy look without using a face stimulator. A bronzer, like the Colorbar Touche and Blushe, can be applied on eyelids and cheeks for an ideal monochromatic look, minus the fuss of applying two different products on eyes and cheeks.

4)Invest in Beauty Blemish Creams.

Getting a clean complexion can require you to put multiple layers on face and skipping any of these steps can be harmful for your delicate facial skin. Fortunately, there is one beauty product which can be an alternative to this long process: Beauty Blemish cream. World's best dermatologists and make-up artists swear by this breakthrough product, which is time-saving and easy on the pocket. Dab it on the face before you leave the house and you’re good to go! Beauty Blemish creams contain the right amount of sunscreen, anti-ageing creams, moisturizers and your daily wear foundations.

Retinol can be one skin care product you shouldn’t forget. Products with a good amount of retinol can be used to combat all skin troubles. Nykaa offers Lakme Youth Infinity Skin Firming Day Crème with retinol at best price. With daily usage one can feel the natural radiance look.

While having a good beauty regime is an essential part of grooming, wearing the right outfit is equally important. Wearing shoddy clothes to a board meeting or fancy dinners can ruin your impression, but if changing outfits for meetings and dinners is not your cup of tea, you should invest in a good pair of denims. You probably spend more time in your denims than anything else. A good pair of denims will last you years and can be worn for days without proper ironing. Investing in denims will also cut down on your waxing sessions at the salon! Along with the denims you should invest some time and money to look for a well cut blazer which will take you from board meeting to a fancy dinner. A right blazer will always give you a clean and classy look.

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