Friday 31 January 2014

Garnier Fair Miracle 2-in-1 Fairness Cream Review

Today I will be reviewing new launch from Garnier Skin Naturals, a fairness cream known as Garnier Fair Miracle 2-in-1 Fairness Cream. Read along to find out if it made it or stuck it like others!

Garnier Fair Miracle 2-in-1 Fairness Cream Review

Thursday 30 January 2014

Hair Tutorial: How to wear a elegant bun?

Hello my beautiful ladies! Previously I did a post on hair tutorials of some really DIY simple hairdo's.Today let us see Tutorials on how to wear a  elegant bun for different occasions. A Bun is simple,easy and quick way to style a hair.So many times when I am rushing out,bun is a quick fix and looks awesome :). There are several ways to wear a bun,here are some of those tutorials.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Epiduo Gel Review

Today I will be a reviewing a excellent acne treatment called EPIDUO Gel from Galderma.If you tried everything else and nothing worked,then you definitely have to try this gel.Read along to know everything you need to know about Epiduo!

Epiduo Gel Review

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Kaya Pigmentation Reducer Gel Review

Today I will be reviewing a topical application for acne scars and blemishes from Kaya known as Kaya Pigmentation Reducer Gel. You can also check out two other kaya products which I have reviewed previously: Kaya Daily Use Sunscreen SPF 15 and Kaya Soothing Cleansing Gel.

Kaya Pigmentation Reducer Gel Review

Monday 27 January 2014

What causes backache?How to deal with it?

Everybody at one point of time have to deal with Back-pain/Backache.It is one of common problems faced my men and women.It can easily rectified by making few adjustments.If neglected can leads some serious complications and eventually which might require surgeries.
What causes backache?How to deal with it?

Saturday 25 January 2014

Metrogyl Gel Plus Review

Today I will be reviewing Metrogyl Gel Review which a Topical Antibiotic for Acne.

Friday 24 January 2014

Avene Clenance Gel Review

This is a guest post from Ashwin (ashu6074).He previously wrote a informative review on Triclenz Hair Cleanser and Triflow Hair Conditioner.

Hi Friends,

Today I am going to review and share my experience with Avene Cleanance Gel with you.

Avene Clenance Gel Review

Thursday 23 January 2014

Make up Basics: Understanding Make-up Technicalities

Today let us understand basics of make up. I am pretty sure many of you watch tons of make up videos on YouTube and they will be using technical terms like apply the eye shadow on the crease or waterline etc. Initially I did not get it either and it took me some time to understand the technicalities.So I created these pictures using a software to make it simple as possible for you guys.A picture is worth a thousand words,so I am going to keep it brief,so here it goes !

1)Face Make-up:

Make up Basics: Understanding Make-up Technicalities

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Proactiv Acne Treatment Kit Review

This is a Guest Post from Akshay.He shares his experience with Proactiv Acne Treatment Kit in this informative review.

Hello guys and gorgeous ladies! I am here to review the Proactiv Anti Acne System. Like others, I was also fancied by the Proactiv TV advertisement in which beautiful Celina Jaitley swore that the kit works! I ordered the kit in March 2011 after watching the same commercial 3-4 times. And lets see how it fared.

Proactiv Acne Treatment Kit Review

Tuesday 21 January 2014

How safe are your cosmetics and beauty products?

There are so many many options when it comes cosmetics.Then they are celebrity endorsements, huge marketing and promotions. So how do we know if the products are safe? The shocking truth is most of products including Reputed brands contains toxic heavy metals like lead,chromium,mercury etc.

How safe are your cosmetics and beauty products?

Monday 20 January 2014

Kaya Soothing Cleansing Gel Review

Today I will be reviewing Kaya soothing cleansing gel from Kaya Skin Clinic.As I spoke in the last post some of their products are really good like Kaya Daily Use Sunscreen + SPF 15.

Saturday 18 January 2014

Nivea Lip Butter Raspberry Rose & Caramel Cream Review

Today I will be reviewing new launches from Nivea known as Lip Butter.In India, they are available in 2 variations.Read along to find out more about the products.

Nivea Lip Butter Review

Friday 17 January 2014

Ducray Keracnyl- Foaming Gel, Complete Regulating Care Cream,Triple Action Mask Reviews

Today I will be reviewing Ducray Keracnyl products for oily and acne prone skin. Ducray is a France company which has some very popular skin and hair care products.Ducray has another sister company called A-Derma which also has good skin care products.For more information on their products you can check their website here and here. Ducray products are non-comedogenic,paraben free and hypo-allergnic.Products are available over-the-counter i.e you do not need any prescription to purchase them.Unlike their contemporary brands,they are not overly priced either.

Ducray Keracnyl- Foaming Gel, Complete Regulating Care Cream,Triple Action Mask Reviews

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Basic Make-up Brushes for Beginners

Today I will be discussing Make-up basics-Make-up Brushes.I actually wanted to this post in the beginning but with the new year's and party season,went ahead with party make up and smoky eye tutorials so better late than never right! So here are quintessential make up brushes every gal must own.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Winter Care for Lips

With the onset of winters I have been getting a lot of queries regarding winter skin care.For moisturisers,you can look hereChapped lips can be pretty embarrassing and painful too when you eat spicy food. This is a review of Lip balms available in the Indian Market.

Lip Care for Winters

Monday 13 January 2014

What is Dandruff? How to get rid of it?

Dandruff is one of the common hair problems faced people of all ages. If not treated it can be embarrassing. So today let us see what causes it and how to get rid of it!

What is Dandruff? How to get rid of it?

Saturday 11 January 2014

Glomed Face Wash Review

Today I will be reviewing Glomed face wash which is 5% Glycolic Acid Face wash from Ethicare Remedies.

Friday 10 January 2014

Suncote Gel Sunscreen SPF 30 Review

This is a guest post from Arpitha.She wrote a very informative review on Trigaine Shampoo.This time she has written a review on Suncote Gel Sunscreen from Curatio.

Hi Guys I am back.Thank you for appreciating my posts so far. Today I am writing review on Suncote Sunscreen.My Dermatologist gave me a free sample suggesting that it is very good sunscreen when I was looking for sunscreen that does not break me out or leave white cast.

Suncote gel sunscreen Review

Thursday 9 January 2014

Make up Tutorial For Glasses

Today this a Make up tutorial for girls who wear glasses like me :).Glasses are considered boring but if you use it,you can make it into a stylish accessory too. Who said you can't wear make up just because you wear glasses?Go ahead try these quick and simple tutorials and show off your beautiful eyes !

Make up Tutorial For Glasses

Tuesday 7 January 2014

The truth behind Isotretinoin and its side effects!

This is guest post from Divya who shares her experience with Sotret tablet for acne treatment.Sotret is Isotretinoin in tablet/pill form meant for oral consumption. Acutret, Acnex, Accutane, Isoderma, Isoret, Isotane,Isotroin,Nextret are some of  the other names for it.It is considered to be one of the best treatments for acne.But unfortunately it comes with its own  dangerous side effects.She shares her heart wrenching story of Sotret-the struggle,the pain and how she overcame it!

My tragic experience with Sotret:

Hi Guys.

A few months ago my acne was all time bad and it was really becoming embarrassing for me when people made it evident.I was really frustrated and I decided to visit a dermatologist.I visited a very popular doctor in Bangalore.Her clinic was filled with patients so I thought may be she is good.I briefly told my case.She just nodded and wrote me a prescription for Sotret 10mg, Adapelene, Clindac A, Cetaphil Cleansing Lotion.

Isotretinoin and its side effects

Monday 6 January 2014

Kaya Daily Use Sunscreen + SPF 15 Review

Today I will be reviewing one of my favourites sunscreen from Kaya Skin Clinic-Skin Care Range.

Saturday 4 January 2014

AHAGlow Face Wash Review

This is a Guest post from Shwetha on the new AHA Glow Face wash(Yellow Tube) from Torrent Pharma.

Hi Guys.I will be reviewing my favourite face wash AHA Glow which I have been using for 3-4 months.Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I had Mild Acne.So my cousin suggested this face wash for me.I did not want to use many products for acne so I wanted to keep the products to a minimum to maintain my skin.It is a very good product for acne prone skin.Because of using this product regularly I have clear skin.

AHA Glow Face Wash Review

Friday 3 January 2014

Garnier Men Acno Fight 6 in 1 Anti-Acne Foam Review

Today I am reviewing Garnier Men's face wash for Acne. Garnier sure knows how to market their products.Let us see if it made it or stuck out!

Garnier Men Acno Fight 6 in 1 Anti-Acne Foam Review

Thursday 2 January 2014

Benefits of Green Tea

Do you ever wonder what a humble cup of green tea does? Green tea has been around for a long time and has been shown to minimize the risk of many health conditions including liver diesease,heart disease, cancer, high cholesterol, stroke and skin diseases.

Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea extract is naturally rich in antioxidants mainly due to the polyphenol antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG , which help protect the body from free radicals naturally occurring particles in the body associated with accelerated ageing and an increased risk of major diseases.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Party Make up Tutorial

With the new year's ,there is a lot of partying happening so here is a make up tutorial for party season!The party make up is all about bold lips,metallic eye shadows and of course not to forget the glitz and glam.

Party Make up Tutorial