Wednesday 29 January 2014

Epiduo Gel Review

Today I will be a reviewing a excellent acne treatment called EPIDUO Gel from Galderma.If you tried everything else and nothing worked,then you definitely have to try this gel.Read along to know everything you need to know about Epiduo!

Epiduo Gel Review

My Story:

Like everyone else I had mild-moderate acne in my teens.It subsided eventually after some treatments. But about an year back my acne was getting really bad ones and later upon tests it was revealed that I was suffering from Hyperthyroidism which is one of the causes of acne. I was using Ducray Keracnyl Acne Cream and Face wash for about 6 months.It eventually helped my acne.But again after a while,it was no longer effective probably due to hormonal factors.I was getting really frustrated. I was undergoing Chemical Peeling at Kaya Skin Clinic during that time.The doctor said Keracnyl is no longer effective so he is prescribed EPIDUO  Gel.Later I bought it and I was apprehensive because its a pretty strong treatment. After two days I decided to give it a shot before I give up on it. Oh boy! I am so glad I went with it because it tremendously helped with my acne and completely cured it.So I wanted to share my story with all you guys so that it helps people like me who suffer from acne.I have been using it for like 3 months and amazed by the results.So here it goes :) !

My Skin Type:

Oily Skin | Mild-Moderate Acne.

Price & Availability:

Rs 365 for 15grams.

To buy EPIDUO GEL on,click HERE.


To buy PERODUO GEL on, click HERE.
To buy MINOZ BPO GEL on, click HERE.

About EPIDUO Gel:

Epiduo Gel is a Topical Acne medication from a very popular brand Galderma which sells other acne medications like Benzac, Adapelene,Differin etc.This medication is recent launch from Galderma and very popular medication used all over the world. 
  • Epiduo formula consists of 0.1% Adapelene and 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide which are two of the most powerful ingredients which effectively cures acne and prevents further breakouts. 
  • Adapelene is a derivative of Retinoid which unclogs pores treating acne forming under skin's surface and decrease inflammation,redness,swelling of the pimple.
  • Benzoyl Peroxide is a antimicrobial which kills the acne causing bacteria.


Clinical Trials over a period of 12 weeks shows high success rate with Epiduo for inflammatory and non-inflammatory types of acne vulgaris.For more research,click here.


Epiduo Gel Review
It is a white gel ointment.

How to use Epiduo?

  • Wash you face with a mild or neutral cleanser(ones without salicylic acid/glycolic acid) like Kaya Soothing Cleansing Gel,Cetaphil Cleansing Lotion etc.
  • Apply Epiduo at nights before retiring to bed.
  • Take a pea size of gel,dot it all over face and massage it.
  • Do not sleep immediately.Leave it of for 20-30 minutes.
  • Always use a good sunscreen during the day which is  non-comedogenic and oil-free like Suncote, Kaya Sunscreen SPF 15 etc.
  • Use a good moisturiser which is non-comedogenic and oil free like Neutrogena Oil free moisturiser(without spf),Cetaphil Moisturiser for Oily Skin etc.
  • I would also suggest women to skip make up for few days. If you must use minimum products and non-comedogenic ones.

What to expect after using Epiduo?What are the side effects?

  • It is pretty normal to experience dryness,flakiness,redness, burning sensation.Use a moisturiser.
  • Increased sun sensitivity.
  • You might also experience Purging or Initial Breakout which means acne can get worse in the beginning for a few days.It happens with almost all acne treatments. There is no need to panic,it happened to me that I almost gave up but I am glad I didn't .It only means the medication is working, it starts by unclogging pores and eliminating acne gradually.It will get better eventually so hang in there ;)


1)It is a fantastic topical medication for acne.

2)It combines two powerful acne fighting ingredients Adapelene and Benzoyl Peroxide.

3)It is non-comedogenic,oil-free.

4)Unlike regular acne creams, it comes in a gel base.

5)It treats acne very effectively.It is suitable for Moderate-Severe Acne.

6)It is affordable and easily available.

7)It also treats acne scars including pitted acne scars,blemishes so you don't need separate treatment for scars.

8)One tube will last one month.

9)Unlike antibiotics,this is not a short term solution but definitely long-term.

10)It is suitable for people with body acne too.


1)It is a prescription drug so might not be available over-the-counter.

2)Dry Skin is one of the side effects.

3)One might experience purging/initial breakout.

My Experience with Epiduo & Final Verdict:

It was a frustrating time for me with acne.I am glad my doctor prescribed Epiduo.I have been using Epiduo since 3 months and I do not have acne any more.80% of the dark marks/blemishes have cleared too. Its 2-in-1 treatment for acne as well as scars.I did not experience any major side effects except for 4-5 days after using Epiduo,my skin was dry.After a week my skin was pretty normal. Give it time for the medication to work and for the results to show,do not give up midway in case you experience the purge. Unfortunately I do not have before-after pics,so sorry about that because all this happened before my blog started.If you are considering Accutane(Isotretinoin) or if you have tried Proactiv and many other acne treatments and failed,then you should definitely try this!I can honestly say this is the best acne medication I have used over the years and vouch for it.Lastly just stay from temptations of adding new products like face pack,cleansers etc.

So Friends "Slow and Steady wins the race"! To reap full benefits from Epiduo be patient, follow a proper acne regimen(For my acne regimen built around epiduo,click here) and eventually you will get there and be acne-free with clear skin.

You can check out some YouTube video reviews here

I have also created a regimen with epiduo known as Epiduo Acne Regimen,for details click here.

Note:Off late some of you have been finding difficultly in procuring Epiduo gel.There are other Epiduo gel alternative available in India which is Peroduo Gel by Ajanta and Oxidoben Gel By Cipla.

Peroduo Gel

My Rating:5/5


  • Epiduo can be safely used from age 9+ years as per US FDA guidelines and Galderma's leaftlet.
  • Read the leaflet provided by the manufacturer before using it.
  • Pregnant or Lactating mothers should not use.
  • Do not apply near sensitive areas like near nose,eyes,mouth.
  • Do not use it with strong treatment products like salicylic/ glycolic acid/sulphur/ any alcohol products like toners/cleansers etc.
  • It might bleach fabrics like pillow covers,towels etc.So opt for white bedding,clothing,towels.You can also put a towel on pillow to avoid that.
  • If you have any skin allergies,please consult your doctor on this.
  • It is advisable to leave the application for few minutes instead to going to bed immediately.
  • Women should not bleach or use depilatory creams on the applied area.
  • It is advisable to apply epiduo at nights.
  • Use it regularly.If you do happen to miss it,do not worry just resume applying from next day.
  • Apply pea-sized gel only otherwise it might cause more dryness.
  • Apply all over face instead of spot treatment for more effectiveness.
  • For any other information ask your doctor or visit the website:
  • Epiduo also as a App called Epi-tracker for Android and I-phones to check the progress,comparisons etc.To download,click here.