Wednesday 16 July 2014

Tips to Fight Against Acne

This is a guest post from Natalie Diaz a freelance writer by profession and fitness enthusiast at heart. She mainly covers topics related to health, fitness, Business and Natural skincare products.

Hi Friends,

Acne can be the most embarrassing skin issue for anyone at any age. Unfortunately most of us indulge in some wrong practices. Nevertheless all we need is to gain some knowledge that is essential in the fight. Remember, acne management is simple and can be done in the comforts of your home. So, take your crusade to a new level with these simple time tested tips.

Tips to Fight Against Acne

1)Internal health:

Tips to Fight Against Acne

Acne is a resultant of some internal metabolism gone astray. The internal health must be taken good care off to benefit the skin. Acne can get exaggerated if the skin is not kept clean. For this one requires to drink enough water to clean the internal system and eat a well-balanced diet that includes a healthy mix of fruits, nuts and vegetables that contain useful antioxidants in curing the condition.

2)Clear the skin:

Wash the face with a good cleanser preferably glycolic/salicylic acid cleansers and not with soap as it can irritate the skin. Avoid touching your face every now and then. The germs get transferred to the face and amplify the already existing condition. Exfoliate skin regularly to drop off the dead skin that may be piling up to initiate the condition. Do not scrub,just move your hands gently over the infected skin.

3)Over-the-counter medications:

Tips to Fight Against Acne

Normally one does not need to get a doctor’s prescription for an acne cream. These contain ingredients like lactic acid, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide or glycolic acid. These ingredients are clinically found effective against the bacteria causing the infection. Some of the popular OTCs include Revitol acnezine, Proactiv,AHA Glow and Vichy-Normaderm Deep Cleansing Purifying Gel among others. But if none provide the expected relief, one must visit a doctor.

4)Shun bad practices:

Tips to Fight Against Acne

Remove the last speck of make-up on your face using a make up remover like Bioderma Sensibio H20 before dozing off. Your skin too needs to breathe and rejuvenate. Studies show that new skin cells are formed when one is relaxing the body after a day’s exertion. One mistake that people make more often is popping those little bumps. This is dangerous. This habit can leave grave marks difficult to remove in future. Clean the make-up brushes and other equipments that are used on the face on a regular basis. Avoid make up during the breakout. Also, keep away from soda and junk food.

5)Take care of your Hair:

Tips to Fight Against Acne

Hair care has a lot to do with the acne management. Hair care products such as fragrances, oils, sprays and gels can spell disaster on an acne skin. These have the ability to block the pores on the face resulting in acne. One living with acne must switch to gentle shampoo and conditioners. Keep hair clean by washing them regularly. Oily hair can add more oil to the acne skin. Long hair should be tied back to prevent hassle.

6)Be Sun Safe:

Tips to Fight Against Acne

Avoid stepping out in the sun. Sun’s ultraviolet rays can increase inflammation and redness. Use a non-comedogenic sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher 20 minutes prior to putting your foot out of the house. This will reduce the possibility of anymore acne.

I sincerely hope you will follow the aforementioned tips to keep a check on your acne.

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